Dealing With Hormonal Imbalance, My Story

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I thought I was going nuts. One day I woke up extremely happy, giddy even. I was on top of the world. But then I was watching the morning news, and a story came on about a mother who had abandoned her baby. I was extremely moved by this story and began to sob uncontrollably. This was very weird for me, as I consider myself a pretty cold person.
The cause of my 'craziness' was actually a hormonal imbalance.
After seeing a hormone specialist, we found that my estrogen and progesterone levels were fine. These two are key for the menstrual cycle. Estrogen is the main sex hormone in females. It's responsible for sexual maturity, breast and hip development, and fat distribution in these areas. Progesterone is the hormone that maintains the thickened uterine wall after ovulation (or the releasing of a monthly egg.) This is so that the walls can grow stronger to accept a possible fertilized egg.
In the end, we found the problem, my androgen levels. My levels were far beyond the norm for a woman. Androgens are the hormones in the body that promote male characteristics. However they are very important in the female body, as they can be converted by the ovaries into extra estrogen during a woman's monthly cycle. They trigger hair growth, libido, kidney functions, and sebum (oil) secretion among other things.
All this time I wondered why I was so hairy, and why I had so many pimples at the age of 30. This also explained my sudden rises and falls of emotions, it was the hormonal imbalance caused by the over production of androgens that was throwing everything else off.
A common hormonal imbalance symptom in women is hormonal acne. Adult hormonal acne causes much anguish for many women, leading them to try all sorts of acne scars cream. It's caused by that male hormone, androgen. Since the beginning of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels in the female body steadily increase. Approximately 36 hours before ovulation, these levels will peak.
Androgen levels rise, to be converted into estrogen by the ovaries. Remember, androgen is responsible for oil secretion in the skin. This is why many women witness acne breakouts right before their menstrual cycles. The body needs the extra estrogen for ovulation to occur, and surprisingly it is the male hormone, androgen, that makes this extra hormonal kick possible. Although this is a natural process and acne is a natural result of it, I was suffering severe hormonal fluctuations, abnormally high levels of androgen.
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