Ancient Acne Treatments - Myths And Realities

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In today's day and age we have almost no knowledge about history and prior ways of life.
People certainly lived shorter lives before Modern Medicine came about. This does not mean, however, that they simply gave up when fallen victim to an acne breakout - each ancient culture had its own acne myths and treatments. This article aims to explore the truth behind each one of them.
One bizarre natural acne treatment used in ancient India is urine therapy. For thousands of years, practitioners of urine therapy have believed urine to have many preventative and curative powers. Modern day users, however, complain that in addition to being a particularly smelly natural acne treatment, urine can cause a rash on the skin when applied topically.
One particular acne treatment has been used in the U.S. for centuries, which you may have known if you ever asked your older relatives. Due to their high Vitamin A content, egg yolks have frequently been recommended by dermatologists who believe that this vitamin serves has an effective natural acne treatment.
While this ancient technique is reported to have a 70% success rate in the reduction of acne lesions, it also has its draw backs - salmonella poisoning is always a risk involved when using raw eggs. (No wonder people died younger in the old days!)
It's doubtful that either of the two crazy acne treatments mentioned can really be as effective as Modern Medicine, despite their long and respectable pasts.
Can Ancient Acne Treatments Work in a Modern Context?
Fortunately, scientific research projects have recently uncovered a strange yet effective ingredient for an organic acne treatment cream, validating a skin care tradition that was typically used in Ancient Greece. The secret behind this natural acne treatment is extracted from small brown garden snails without doing any harm at all to the creature. Various cellular and molecular effects caused by the snail extractions have regenerative outcomes when applied to human skin.
This serum's effectiveness lies in the fact that it contains collagen, elastin and water holding molecules that consequently have the same structural elements of human skin. The idea of smearing your face with a snail serum may not be that appealing, but this natural acne treatment has been proven to work in a clinical setting.
If your severe acne problem has led you to search for extreme solutions, you might now be willing to try just about anything. You should, however, be aware that certain bizarre acne treatments may be more fiction than fact, putting your skin's overall health in jeopardy when you choose to experiment. Carefully research any type of ancient acne treatments you are curious about before trying them out - you may also want to consult an acne dermatologist.

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